Slim in 6

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Insanity, Day 45

I'm not going to lie, today's workout was rough, and not just because it's an insane workout. I was dragging a bit when I looked at the clock and realized I had better get moving, otherwise the evening was going to get away from me with dinner and the kids' bedtime, and I didn't want to wait until 9 or 10pm. So I started by posting that I was about to workout on Facebook, then logged into WOWY so I couldn't back out. I then sluggishly made my way to the DVD player in the family room, started it up and got my towel and water. During the warm up I actually paused it and thought to myself "I am not in the mood to put myself through this." But I turned right around and started anyway. When your frame of mind is like that, every move seems to require so much more strength and lung power to perform. I was still feeling out of it about 5 minutes into the workout, I just couldn't get that feeling out of my head. But as the warm-up got into its third cycle of the circuit, I was sweating like usual and was finding myself concentrating more on the moves than on my state of mind. Once I had my blood flowing it was business as usual. In the end, I still ended up drenched in sweat from an amazing workout. Yes, it was rough. But I was able to "Dig Deeper" and push through because I have worked too hard for too long to let myself give up. I am so glad I did.

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